Day 46: Take a sad song and make it better


Don’t have much to say today other than, I HIGHLY DISLIKE DIABETES TODAY. Last night I was high for a significant amount of time, and that did not make me happy when I woke up. I changed my pump site this morning hoping to solve the problem, but it really didn’t. I am extremely frustrated and I do not like these days. It seems like no matter what I do, diabetes has won today.

It wasn’t a bad day otherwise. Did some tickets for Joon. Preparing for the video tomorrow and the goodbye luncheon. I am just hoping I can get my blood sugars under control tonight. I really need it. I don’t like feeling so defeated. I just keep re-playing Hey Jude‘s “don’t make it bad, take a sad song and make it better” in my head.

Unfortunately, I think most people with diabetes would agree, we have a fair share of these days where we feel hopeless and want to give up. It’s a disease that is lived with, but it is certainly not an easy one. I have been thinking about it non-stop these past few days and sometimes I just want it all to end. But then I listen to the Beatles and I come back to Earth. I was obviously chosen to have diabetes because God knew I could handle it. Not just handle it but CONQUER it. So yeah, diabetes stinks. Bad days stink. Sometimes even good days stink. But I am living with Type 1 Diabetes and I am kicking it’s butt. I am a diabetes warrior.

Aimee, Jennifer, and I are going to a showing of Mockingjay tonight at the Pier 63 Lawn on the West side. Seems like a cool place to watch a movie and it’s free! Looking forward to it.

Kicking diabetes in it’s(for lack of a better word) ass,

the intern with diabetes

Day 45: Need some more zzzzzzzzz


Today has been a little busy. Last night was a terrible night’s sleep and so I think I am going to lay low tonight. I have been so tired today it was getting hard to focus. I took a walk this morning and one at lunch, trying to keep my blood sugars in a good range.

I need to get some sleep tonight because I can not go another day feeling so slow and sluggish.

I read some of my John Lennon book this morning, then began helping Joon with tickets. We called a few of the people that had sent the tickets and found that many of the problems were simple and easy to fix. I learn a lot by just watching Joon solve these problems on his computer, as opposed to following all of the cheat-sheets we’ve made. But each time a ticket came in that I could do, I fixed the problem and emailed the person that had sent it.

I definitely have learned so much from Joon and I am glad I got to work with him. I really am going to miss this place. The IT team has been so welcoming and willing to teach me. Of course I am always willing to learn.

Until tomorrow,

the intern with diabetes

Day 44: Last Monday

Hello everyone!

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My last weekend here in NYC was wonderful!!! It was jam-packed but it was worth every second. Friday night me, Aimee, and Jennifer hung out at Aimee’s place and waited for Aimee’s friend Kayla from Boston to arrive. We picked her up and she was so sweet! It was nice to have a new face around for a few days.

The next day Kayla, Aimee, and I ventured to The Cloisters museum on the Upper West Side. It’s around 190th St, so its about an hour away from Queens via the subway. I have never been that far up on the West Side but it was really cool. The Cloisters is almost like a castle, there was gardens, and lots of medieval things. The museum itself is medieval themed. It was a beautiful day and the entire museum looks over the Hudson River. So walking around it was breath-taking. Our next stop was Governor’s Island, which is the other end of Manhattan! The Governor’s Island Ferry is near the Staten Island Ferry, in the Financial District, not too far from the office. So we ventured down to the bottom of Manhattan and got on the last ferry, 5:30. We had heard of a place called Hammock Grove on Governor’s Island. It’s a section with just a bunch of hammocks for the public to lie on. It was pretty awesome.

All three of us got our own hammocks and laid in them for a little while, almost falling asleep until the last ferry to go back, 7:00. Governor’s Island is a cool place. It felt like we weren’t in the city anymore and yet the ferry back took only about ten minutes. The breeze was beautiful and I was filled with happiness.

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When we got back to Manhattan, we went to a Mexican cantina for dinner and had some good long conversations about all kinds of things. I was happy that Aimee had a friend from school here, I could tell how happy they were to be together and were able to talk about different things with school. I didn’t mind just sitting and listening cause I know what it’s like to catch up with old friends. After a long and exhausting day, we all headed home.

The next morning we met around 10:30 at the Brooklyn Bridge subway stop. The Brooklyn Bridge was built in 1835 and the first of it’s kind, suspended by the long cables. It’s also one of the only bridges that has a section for biking and walking. It’s only about a mile long, but it is a very nice walk. The view of Manhattan is incredible and you can get it in the background of some pictures! It was a hot day but being over the water created a nice breeze. When we got to the other side, we went to Grimaldi’s, a famous pizza place. It was as good as they say. We were finished in no time and took our full bellies back to the subway to drop Kayla off at her subway stop. We said goodbye and realized we were right by the Highline!

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I hadn’t walked the Highline yet, so we walked a small portion of it and then made our way to Union Square to go to Barnes and Noble. I bought a German Grammer practice book so I can brush up on my skills before I go back to school. At this point, Aimee and I were both really tired and decided to go home. It was about 4:00. I headed home, had a little bit to eat, and then did some laundry. At around 6:00, I realized I wanted to see “Listen to me Marlon” — a documentary they were playing at the Film Forum. It was only playing for this week and I had planned on going for a few weeks now. So I bought a ticket and said, why not? I got there just in time for the show to begin. I thoroughly enjoyed the documentary. I didn’t know much about Marlon Brando, other than that he has been called one of the greatest actors of our time. It was fascinating to me to learn that acting was just “something fun” at first and how he felt about the American society. He had a lot of inspirational things to say about life and love. He also was an activist for the Civil Rights movement which many people didn’t like about him. I really liked this documentary and now I think I’d like to learn more about Marlon. Or maybe I will watch the Godfather when I get home. haha

Today has been quiet. The tickets that I can do, I am waiting for people to respond to them. Good news is I think the audio of the video will be okay, I just have to test it again. Although I am missing home, I am going to miss the city. It really has treated me well.

Definitely going to make the most of my last few days here.

the intern with diabetes

Day 43: Take me to church

Guten tag!

Yesterday we had Eileen’s famous cheesecake because it was National Cheesecake day. It was AMAZING.

Today I finished editing. It was a very long day but I am happy with the way the video turned out.

This morning Aimee and I went to Central Park and saw a free Hozier(“Take me to Church” his first big hit) concert. It was strange because it was being performed for Good Morning America, so it really wasn’t a concert. There was a lot of breaks and it wasn’t a typical show. But it was still a cool experience. Got into work and started editing.

Eventually I got to test the video. It was working, but the audio is not nearly loud enough. That is bad news. I don’t exactly know how to fix it, so I am contacting the company that owns the editing program that I have been using. I am hoping they get back to me ASAP and that I can fix this video. Otherwise, I am out of luck and will have to deal with the low audio. This video will be amazing no matter what.

My last weekend in NYC is here, and I can’t believe it. The time went way too fast. Hanging out with Aimee and Jennifer tonight and probably all weekend. I know Sunday we are going to walk the Brooklyn Bridge, I CAN’T WAIT for that!!!! The city is so beautiful — I try really hard to appreciate those little moments that we all take for granted. Those moments that you wish would never end. Like looking up at the buildings, or walking by the East River with friends, or even the way the sun hits the buildings in a different way each and every day. This city has always been my favorite and I think it always will be.

Diabetes has given me some pretty cool things and introduced me to some cool people. It’s never been a burden for me, just another part of my life.

the intern with diabetes

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Day 42: Editing

Hello everyone!

Last night I went to the movie in the park with my aunt, it was an Indian film. It was interesting to say the least. Very different from American cinema, but good to see and experience. I learned a lot about the Hindi culture.

Today I haven’t been able to help Joon much because no new tickets have come in. I have been working on my video for most of the day, I taped Jennifer, Aamna, Aimee, and myself today. I only have a few more days to finish editing, and then I have to be prepared to test the video in the conference rooms! The goodbye luncheon for the interns is next Thursday, and so that is all the time I have. I know I can get it done I just have to buckle down and not get distracted.

I am looking forward to showing it and seeing the office’s reactions. I really hope that this will benefit them in their lives.

Glad I can be a part of this. Looking forward to the weekend — my last one here in NYC 😦

Over and out!

the intern with diabetes

Day 41: The East River and pump-sites

Last night the gals went to a chicken place in Soho that was pretty cool! It was good chicken, but I probably wouldn’t make a bee line to go back. After that, Aimee, Jennifer, and I walked all the way to the East River. It was a long walk, but we all definitely needed a little exercise.

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The river was nice and relaxing. We didn’t stay long because we were all tired and ready to head back. So we headed back home and stopped for ice cream on the way back. The walk back was cool, we found some cool spots to hang out. We had to stop because I was a little low, but we found a really cute garden to sit in. Eventually we made it to the station we needed to get back home. When I got home I hung out with my aunt and her friend for a little while at the Italian place across the street. It was fun! We headed back early and as soon as I got in I went to bed. I was SUPER tired and I am feeling it today.

This morning was a little crazy. The 4 and 5 trains were delayed so that’s always fun. And when I was in the middle of hopping trains, someone knocked into my brand new pump site and knocked it off my arm! I know it was an accident, but it was kind of frustrating at 9am, when I was supposed to be in the office, and now had to take a train that was going to take a long time to get me to the office. I didn’t get in too late. Today was okay. I did the tickets I could do and then received a call from Joon. Joon is working from home today and so there isn’t much for me to do.


Started reading “John” by Cynthia Lennon today, already really into it.

Laying low tonight, will probably go to the movie in the park.

Until tomorrow,

the intern with diabetes

Day 40: 40 days?!

I can’t believe it has been 40 working days here at JDRF! Time has gone by extremely fast but I wouldn’t change a single second of it. I have learned so much about working, life, and New York City.

Last night Jennifer and I saw Footloose in Bryant Park. It was a great night and we had fun.

Today I had a meeting with the director of Creative Services about my educational video that I will be showing to the JDRF NYC staff at the goodbye lunch for the interns. I have already started it and am about half-way through the process. She was very supportive of my idea and seemed excited to see it when it is finished. That felt good.

Other than that, I asked Joon about the tickets that I couldn’t quite figure out. But most of them were simple fixes that he helped me finish. So I read a few chapters of my latest book.

At 3:00 I attended the Town Hall meeting with Derek Rapp. It is a time that JDRF talks about the year, its goals, its successes and failures, and it also hands out awards to staff and volunteers in the chapters across the U.S. It was a very valuable conference to be a part of and I am glad that I could attend. The meeting is held online and all chapters are urged to log on and listen to the topics being discussed. Unfortunately, my blood sugar was not in the best range and my CGM was reminding me of it. So I sat in the chair trying to look as interested as possible, but diabetes was tugging at me. I felt like a slug and as if my blood was turning into lead. This feeling is almost indescribable but it is not a good feeling. It makes you lose concentration and focus very easily and causes you to think about what you did wrong to do this to yourself. But I did everything in my power to avoid this. I was drinking water, taking my insulin, and even spreading out my bolus insulin so it would affect me over a longer period of time. The truth is, sometimes diabetes just happens. I could do everything right in a textbook, but diabetes could still kick my butt any day it wants to. But I’ve learned to accept this. It’s part of the disease. I just wish the people around me knew that too, that I was actually paying attention but at the same time fighting this monster that is constantly pulling me back.

Looking forward to educating the office.

the intern with diabetes

Day 39: Life is beautiful


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Well, this past weekend could not have gone any better! I got home Friday night and started prepping for “Yoga for a Cure” on Saturday evening.

Saturday was a beautiful sunny day. I had relatives come visit and celebrate my aunt’s birthday as well as come and watch the yoga event. My friend Shannon who helped me teach the class came down about mid-day and we began practicing and prepping for the class. This was MY VERY FIRST yoga class-teaching. I was extremely nervous and beginning to get very anxious as the time got closer and closer. Shannon went over my notes, gave me some feedback, and even helped demonstrate how I should tell the students to transition from each pose. It was extremely helpful but also tacked on some nerves.

After that, we packed up all of our stuff, the snacks, water, and giveaways, and headed over to Seaside Park. My parents had taken a separate car to fit the table and chairs. Shannon and I took my Jeep, which felt so good to drive. With the windows down and the wind in our hair, we were ready to teach one kick-ass class. I wanted to make sure that the people who came to do beach yoga got what I get out of yoga classes. Sometimes it’s balance, sometimes it’s love, sometimes it is acceptance.

We got to the beach and began setting up with the help of friends and family. People started showing up, signing in, and getting their mats ready! We couldn’t have asked for a better night. The sun was shining behind us, but a nice ocean breeze was keeping us cool. We began class a few minutes late. Although I was nervous I tried very hard to swallow my fears and push through it. I also knew that I had Shannon there to catch me if I began to stumble or was at a loss for words.

The class went really well, I couldn’t be happier. I think everyone really enjoyed it too. It was such a great setting. We raised over $1400 for T1D research!!! I can’t believe it! Thank you to all for the love and support!

Afterwards, Shannon and I sat on the beach until about 9pm. The sun was setting, the breeze was beautiful, and there was just simply no reason for us to leave. We both don’t get to visit the beach very often(not this summer for me), and so it made it that more special. She is a great friend and I am so grateful to have her in my life. We stayed up for a while just talking. About life, love, our families, our goals, our dreams, how we want to live, who we want to be. She is one of those rare people that I think truly makes my life better. Our friendship is priceless.

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Sunday! Sunday I went to the beach with my BFF, Jenna. It was a great day filled with laughter and smiles. I also don’t get to see her very much so any time we have together is cherished. I know she will always be there for me. When we got home Sunday afternoon, it was time to set up my very first sensor! A sensor is a continuous glucose monitoring system that goes into the skin and is controlled by a small electronic device. Every few minutes, it will give me a glucose reading. This should technically help me to prick my fingers less often. After a very rough start setting it up, I think I am getting the hang of it. Not sure if it is making me paranoid about my sugars though. It just might be.

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So grateful to have such awesome people in my life. But two people I really owe it to: my parents. I wish I could give them the world. And more. They are rock stars and superheroes and role models to me. I hope one day they receive as much love as they have given to me over the years. I love you both to the ends of the earth. Thank you.

Working on my educational video today until Joon gets back tomorrow. Only two weeks left for me in NYC! I hope to make these the best two weeks ever.

Stay tuned,

the intern with diabetes

Day 38

Jimmy Fallon was amazing last night. It was a great show and I was so happy to be surrounded by production equipment and crew members. It would be a dream to work for The Tonight Show one day. It was so so so cool.

Today I have been preparing for my “Yoga for a Cure” event tomorrow night at home! I am getting ready now to catch a bus to Toms River! Really excited to see my family, friends, dogs, and the beach! But I am also so excited to raise money for JDRF doing what I love –yoga!!!!! i am expecting a good turnout and I can’t wait to teach the class. I have been planning this event for months and I can’t believe it is already here! I owe a lot of it to my parents, they have been so helpful.

I took a nice long walk today at lunch and it was absolutely wonderful. The weather is beautiful today. Sun shining.

the intern with diabetes

Day 36 + 37

The interviews yesterday went well. I made a great first impression at NBC. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to do the internship because of my class schedule this fall, but that’s okay. I am going to try again in the spring and if not then in the summer.

It was a great experience over all and I am very proud of myself.

Today has been a little slow at the office because Joon is in DC! I completed a number of tickets by myself and have been in contact with Joon about the ones that I can’t exactly do.

GOING TO SEE JIMMY FALLON TONIGHT WITH AIMEE. I am so excited I can barely contain myself!!!!!!!

Good day!

the intern with diabetes